Journals Subscribed by Jayakar library (electronic)Computer music journal | Computer Science | |
Siam Journal On Computing | Computer Science |
Journals Accessible through UGC-INFONET Consortia (187 Journals)
Alphabetical List
Journal Title | Discipline/Subject | URL |
Acta Informatica | Computer Science | |
Advanced Robotics | Computer Science | |
Advances in Computational Mathematics | Computer Science | |
AI & Society | Computer Science | |
AI EDAM | Computer Science | |
Algorithmica | Computer Science | |
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science | |
Annals of Operations Research | Computer Science | |
Annals of Software Engineering | Computer Science | |
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing | Computer Science | |
Applied Categorical Structures | Computer Science | |
Applied Intelligence | Computer Science | |
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress | COMP/MATHS | |
Archival Science | Computer Science | |
Archive for Mathematical Logic | Computer Science | |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | Computer Science | |
Artificial Intelligence and Law | Computer Science | |
Artificial Intelligence Review | Computer Science | |
Artificial Life and Robotics | Computer Science | |
Automated Software Engineering | Computer Science | |
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | Computer Science | |
Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics | Computer Science | |
Automation and Remote Control | Computer Science | |
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | Computer Science | |
Autonomous Robots | Computer Science | |
Biological Cybernetics | Computer Science | |
Biometrika | COMP/MATHS | |
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | COMP/MATHS | |
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations | Computer Science | |
CATTECH | Computer Science | |
Cluster Computing | Computer Science | |
Cognition, Technology & Work | Computer Science | |
Computational Complexity | Computer Science | |
Computational Economics | Computer Science | |
Computational Intelligence | Computing & IT | |
Computational Mathematics and Modeling | Computer Science | |
Computational Mechanics | Computer Science | |
Computational Optimization and Applications | Computer Science | |
Computational Statistics | Computer Science | |
Computer Graphics Forum | Computing & IT | |
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | Computer Science | |
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Computing & IT | |
Computing | Computer Science | |
Constraints | Computer Science | |
Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography | computer | |
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | Computer Science | |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | Computer Science | |
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD | Computer Science | |
Distributed and Parallel Databases | Computer Science | |
Distributed Computing | Computer Science | |
e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik | Computer Science | |
Education and Information Technologies | Computer Science | |
Empirical Software Engineering | Computer Science | |
Engineering with Computers | Computer Science | |
Ethics and Information Technology | Computer Science | |
Experimental Mathematics | Computer Science, and Mathematics | |
Expert Systems | Computing & IT | |
Formal Aspects of Computing | Computer Science | |
Formal Methods in System Design | Computer Science | |
Frontiers of Computer Science in China | Computer Science | |
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | Computer Science | |
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | Computer Science | |
GeoInformatica | Computer Science | |
GPS Solutions | Computer Science | |
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | Computer Science | |
IEICE - Transactions on Communications | COMP/MATHS | |
IEICE - Transactions on Electronics | COMP/MATHS | |
IEICE - Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | COMP/MATHS | |
IEICE - Transactions on Information and Systems | COMP/MATHS | |
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics | COMP/MATHS | |
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics | COMP/MATHS | |
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information | COMP/MATHS | |
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | COMP/MATHS | |
Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung | Computer Science | |
Informatik-Spektrum | Computer Science | |
Information Retrieval | Computer Science | |
Information Systems and E-Business Management | Computer Science | |
Information Systems Frontiers | Computer Science | |
Information Systems Journal | Computing & IT | |
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering | Computer Science | |
Intelligent Service Robotics | Computer Science | |
International Journal of Automation and Computing | Computer Science | |
International Journal of Computer Vision | Computer Science | |
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | computer | |
International Journal of Information Security | Computer Science | |
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications | computer | |
International Journal of Parallel Programming | Computer Science | |
International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design | computer | |
International Journal of Speech Technology | Computer Science | |
International Journal on Digital Libraries | Computer Science | |
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition | Computer Science | |
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) | Computer Science | |
International Mathematics Research Notices | COMP/MATHS | |
International Mathematics Research Papers | COMP/MATHS | |
International Mathematics Research Surveys | COMP/MATHS | |
Israel Journal of Mathematics | Computer Science | |
Journal in Computer Virology | Computer Science | |
Journal of Automated Reasoning | Computer Science | |
Journal of Classification | Computer Science | |
Journal of Computational Electronics | Computer Science | |
Journal of Computational Neuroscience | Computer Science | |
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | Computer Science | |
Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Computer Science | |
Journal of Control Theory and Applications | Computer Science | |
Journal of Cryptology | Computer Science | |
Journal of Electronic Testing | Computer Science | |
Journal of Functional Programming | Computer Science | |
Journal of Grid Computing | Computer Science | |
Journal of Heuristics | Computer Science | |
Journal of Information Technology | computer | |
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Computer Science | |
Journal of Logic and Computation | COMP/MATHS | |
Journal of Logic, Language and Information | Computer Science | |
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | Computer Science | |
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms | Computer Science | |
Journal of Micromechatronics | Computer Science | |
Journal of Network and Systems Management | Computer Science | |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | Computer Science | |
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing | Computer Science | |
Journal of Scheduling | Computer Science | |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society | COMP/MATHS | |
Knowledge and Information Systems | Computer Science | |
Knowledge Engineering Review | Computer Science | |
Kognitionswissenschaft | Computer Science | |
LISP and Symbolic Computation | Computer Science | |
Logic Journal of the IGPL | COMP/MATHS | |
Machine Learning | Computer Science | |
Machine Translation | Computer Science | |
Machine Vision and Applications | Computer Science | |
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA | COMP/MATHS | |
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | Computer Science | |
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability | Computer Science | |
Microsystem Technologies | Computer Science | |
Minds and Machines | Computer Science | |
Mobile Networks and Applications | Computer Science | |
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | Computer Science | |
Multimedia Systems | Computer Science | |
Multimedia Tools and Applications | Computer Science | |
Natural Language Engineering | Computer Science | |
Network: Computation in Neural Systems | computer | |
Neural Computing & Applications | Computer Science | |
Neural Processing Letters | Computer Science | |
Open Systems & Information Dynamics | Computer Science | |
Optical Memory & Neural Networks | Computer Science | |
Optical Networks Magazine | Computer Science | |
Pattern Analysis & Applications | Computer Science | |
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | Computer Science | |
Photonic Network Communications | Computer Science | |
Problems of Information Transmission | Computer Science | |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society | COMP/MATHS | |
Programming and Computer Software | Computer Science | |
Quantum Information Processing | Computer Science | |
Queueing Systems | Computer Science | |
Real-Time Systems | Computer Science | |
Requirements Engineering | Computer Science | |
Research on Language & Computation | Computer Science | |
Robotica | Computer Science | |
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences | Computer Science | |
Scientific and Technical Information Processing | Computer Science | |
Scientometrics | Computer Science | |
Service Oriented Computing and Applications | Computer Science | |
Signal, Image and Video Processing | Computer Science | |
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications | Computer Science | |
Software - Concepts & Tools | Computer Science | |
Software and Systems Modeling | Computer Science | |
Software Quality Journal | Computer Science | |
Statistics and Computing | Computer Science | |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | Computer Science | |
Studia Logica | Computer Science | |
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications | COMP/MATHS | |
Telecommunication Systems | Computer Science | |
The Computer Journal | COMP/MATHS | |
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Computer Science | |
The Journal of Supercomputing | Computer Science | |
The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing | Computer Science | |
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | COMP/MATHS | |
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics | COMP/MATHS | |
The Visual Computer | Computer Science | |
The VLDB Journal The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases | Computer Science | |
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | Computer Science | |
Theory of Computing Systems | Computer Science | |
Universal Access in the Information Society | Computer Science | |
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | Computer Science | |
Virtual Reality | Computer Science | |
Wireless Networks | Computer Science | |
World Wide Web | Computer Science |